拉萨世界屋脊旅社位于小昭寺路50 号(温州商贸城向东200 米)内设早餐、中餐、免费宽带上网,免费自助洗衣, 24 小时供应热水,并与多家旅行社有着密切的联系,有租车、导游业务,将给您的旅途带来更多的方便。
内设双人间(每天 60 元)单人间(每天 40 元),多人间每床( 25 元),欢迎您的入住!我们将竭诚为您服务!
The hostel 'roof of the world' is a middle level hostel, which promotes a culture of independant travel as its driving force. It focuses on learning and exchanges to promote the hostel's development. Outdoor sports and the interactive network platform made many friends from the whole world, promoting people-to-people, man and society, man and nature close relationship. The magical and beautiful snowy plateau is also linked by the Hostels to you, to me and to all of us.
The hostel is located at the 50th of ramoche road, 200 meters east of Wenzhou Business Mall . The hostel offer you breakfast,lunch, free broadband internet service,free self-service laundry,24H hot water supply. Also, the hostel has close relationship to many travel agencies,offering you rent cars and tour guide, which makes your journey more convenience.
The hostel has double rooms(60 yuan per night),single rooms (40 yuan per night), and more human room (25 yuan for one bed per night). Please stay! We will wholeheartedly serve you!
西藏旅游攻略网 订房中心 预订电话:0891-6974984
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